ตัวอย่างหนัง Ethereum: create an order in Python Binance API with a stop Price
Here is a step by step guide and an example article on how to create an order in the Binance API using Python:
Create an order with stop price in Binance API
In this article, we will go through the process of creating an order with a stop price in the Binance API using Python. We will use the ‘Exchange.Create_ordermethod, which is part of the Binance API.
Previous requirements:
- It has a Binance API key and a pair of cryptocurrency symbols that you want to trade.
- You have installed theBinance-Api
library using PIP:
Pip Install Binance-Api
- It has the following python code in a file calledMain.py
symbol, side ', etc. with its real values):
Import requests
exchange = 'binance'
Symbol = 'BTC/USDT'
pair of cryptocurrency symbols
API_KEY = 'Your_binance_api_Key'
API_SECret = 'Your_binance_api_secret'
headers = {
'X-Mmbx-Apikey': Api_Key,
params = {
'symbol': symbol,
'Side': 'Buy',
'Type': 'Stop_loss_limit',
'Time_in_force': 'GTC',
can be 'GTC', 'ioc', 'fok'
'Reduce_only': 'true'
only reduces the position when the stop loss is activated
Answer = request.post (f'https: // {exchange}/API/v3/order ', headed = headers, params = params)
if answer.status_code == 200:
order_id = answer.json () ['id']
print (f'order id: {Order_id} ')
print (F'Failed to create the State Code. State Code: {Response.status_code} ')
Code explanation:
- First we import the 'Applications' library, which is used to make HTTP applications.
- We define our Binance API credentials (API_KEY and API_SECRET) in a dictionary 'headers'.
- We build the application parameters (params
) using the
symbol ‘and other values that we want to include in the order.
- We make a request for publication to the final point
in the Binance API, passing the ‘headers’ andparams
as arguments. Thetime_in_force
parameter is established in ‘gtc’(well until it is canceled) to allow orders of loss of loss.
- If the order is created successfully, we extract the request ID of the JSON answer and printed.
- We catch any error that may occur during the request.
Tips and variations:
- Be sure to replacesymbol
api_secretwith their real values.
- You can customize the 'Time_in_Force parameter as necessary for your specific use.
- If you want to cancel an existing order, simply update the dictionary ‘Params` to include updated parameters.
- Take into account the limits of the API in the creation of orders (for example, 100 orders per minute).
- Consider using a try-except block to handle possible errors and exceptions.
I hope this article helps!