
ตัวอย่างหนัง Ethereum: Cannot find a value for the configuration variable ‘INFURA_API_KEY’

ดูหนังออนไลน์ Ethereum: Cannot find a value for the configuration variable ‘INFURA_API_KEY’
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Ethereum: Cannot find a value for the configuration variable ‘INFURA_API_KEY’ on IMDb

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Problem with Ethereum Hardhat project configuration with infura API

key **

When setting up a new NPX Hardhat project, you are faced with an error when trying to import the Infura API key from your .env file. This problem is relatively frequent and can be solved by understanding how to configure your hardhat project correctly.

Error: HH1201 cannot find value for the configuration variable ‘infura_api_key’

The HH1201 error indicates that the configuration variable infura_api_key cannot be found in your code. This error usually occurs when the code attempts to access or use the environment variable but not set up.

How to solve the problem: Read the .env file

To solve this problem, you need to make sure your .env file is properly configured using the Key Infura Api Key. Here are a few steps to help you solve the problem:

Step 1: Create a new file .env

Create a new file called .env at the root of your project directory. This file will contain all your environmental variables.


Touch .env


Step 2: Add Infura API key to your .env file

Add the following line to your .env:


Infura_api_key = your_infura_api_KEY_HER


Replace your_infura_api_Api_KEY_HERE for your real API key infura key.

For example, if you are using a private key or environment variable for your infura API key, you can add it:


Infura_api_Key = your_private_Key_here


Step 3: Update your hardhat configuration

To use the API infura in your hardhat project, you must update the configuration variables. Specifically, you need to set the variable infura_api_Key.

You can do this by adding infuraconfig.jsonto your root project with the following content:



“Key”: “”,

“Secret”: “”



If you are using a private key or environment for your infura API key, update the infura_api_key field.

Step 4: Update the Hardhat project configuration

Update hardhat.config.js to use updated configuration variables. Specifically add the following line:


module.exports = {

// … other configurations …

defaultConfig: {

// … Other configurations …

Infura: {

Key: Process.env.infura_api_key,

Secret: Process.env.infura_secret





Step 5: Start your Hardhat project

Finally, start your hardhat project using the following command:


npx hardhat


Variable infura_api_KEY should now be correctly set up for your infura API key.

Example of using a case

Here is an example of how to use this configuration in a simple deployment of smart contracts:


constants = require (“ets”);

// hardhat configurations

module.exports = {

// … other configurations …

defaultConfig: {

// … Other configurations …

Infura: {

Key: Process.env.infura_api_key,

Secret: Process.env.infura_secret




// intelligent deployment of contract

Const deployer = new etshers.deployer (‘0x …’); // Replace with your deployed address of the contract

Async function Main () {)

try {

Const Contractaddress = expect deployer.address ();

Console.log (Contractaddress);

} Catch (Error) {

Console.error (Error);



Main ();


According to these steps, you should be able to solve the error HH1201 and successfully use the Infura API key in your hardhat project.

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